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[p=25, null, left]“我父亲的堂兄是一个很有名的工程师(钱学森)。他是中华人民共和国弹道导弹计划的头儿。
这实际上是一个古怪的故事。他在加州理工学院当一个航空工程师,但后来在20世纪50年代陷入了麻烦,因为他过去有一些共产主义联系。他被软禁,然后被驱逐出美国。[p=25, null, left]
回到中国后,他开始了弹道导弹计划,我猜部分是因为他对美国非常生气!”[p=25, null, left]
钱永健的这番话与我们耳熟能详的宣传口径是多么矛盾![p=25, null, left]
最有意思的是钱永健用“piss off ”一词,字面本义是“撒尿赶走人”,意思是“立刻滚开”,好像比中文里的“扫地出门”要严重些,引申为“激怒”“使人气恼”,用作被动语态则表示处于生气状态。所以这句话隐含的意思是,美国撒尿赶走钱学森,把钱学森惹毛了![p=25, null, left]
更详细的资料,这里有美国权威的“航空和空间技术周刊”上的一篇文章则非常详细地叙述了钱老的专长,贡献以及回国前后的波折,足以佐证钱永健的说法,彻底推翻钱老“放弃优越条件,毅然回国报效”的爱国主义宣传的高大形象。因为钱老是被驱逐出境的,当时他正在申请美国国籍,企图留在美国![p=25, null, left]
http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/aw010708p1.xml[p=25, null, left]
Qian Xuesen Laid Foundation For Space Rise in China
Jan 6, 2008[p=25, null, left]
By Bradley Perrett
........(介绍中国空间技术如导弹打掉废弃卫星,载人火箭,嫦娥一号等)[p=25, null, left]
The man who laid the foundation for these achievements is a brilliant scientist who worked for the U.S. military on advanced rocket projects in the 1940s and helped found the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. Then, in a remarkably short-sighted move, the U.S. sent this man back to China with all his skills and knowledge of American secrets. With McCarthyism in full bloom, the scientist was deported on dubious charges of being a Communist.[p=25, null, left]
为这些成就奠定基础的是一位了不起的科学家,他与1940年代在先进的火箭工程上为美国军队工作过,并帮助建立了加州理工学院喷气推进实验室。然后,由于显然短时的处理措施,美国把这个人连同他掌握的所有技术和美国机密一起送回了中国。由于麦卡锡主义处于全盛时期,这位科学家被莫须有地指控为共产党员。[p=25, null, left]
That man is Qian Xuesen. And he became the father of the Chinese space program.....
........这个人就是钱学森,中国空间技术之父。。。。。[p=25, null, left]
The story of how China got Qian back from the U.S. has been told many times, not least in the early 1950s, when it was current news. But it s a fascinating story, and is well worth retelling as we watch China s latest strides forward.
中国如何从美国把钱弄到手的故事,被重复传诵着,尤其1950年代,是轰动一时的新闻。但这是一个很迷人的故事,值得再次述说,尤其当我们看到中国最近取得的进展的时候。[p=25, null, left]
Qian was born in 1911, in the last weeks of Chinese imperial history, and at 23 traveled to the U.S. on a scholarship to study aeronautical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Preferring theory to the practice that MIT then emphasized, he soon moved to Caltech and began to follow a path that would lead to his becoming one of the most eminent rocket scientists in the U.S.
[p=25, null, left]钱生于1911年,出生后几周清帝国就崩溃了。23岁时他获得奖学金到美国麻省理工学习航空工程。由于麻省理工注重理论胜过实践,他很快转学到加州理工学院,走上了使他成为美国最著名火箭科学家之一的道路。[p=25, null, left]
While his own country was racked by political division, invasion by Japan and, finally, civil war, Qian became a star pupil of the director of Caltech s Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, the Hungarian-American engineer and physicist Theodore von Karman. Still in his 20s, Qian became involved in experiments in rocketry, a field that at that time, the late 1930s, was barely taken seriously.
[p=25, null, left]当他的祖国处于政治分裂,遭日本侵略,最后又爆发内战的时候,钱成为加州理工古根海姆航空实验室导师,匈牙利裔美国工程师和物理学家提奥多冯卡门的得意门生。还在20多岁的青年时期,钱参与了火箭实验,这个领域当时和30年代末期,还是冷门。[p=25, null, left]
But the U.S. Army Air Corps did begin to take it seriously in 1939, tasking Caltech, including Qian, to develop rockets to help bombers take off. 。。。但美国空军1939年就看好这个专业,要求加州理工--包括钱--发展火箭以帮助轰炸机起飞。。。。
.。。。。。。。.[p=25, null, left]
By early 1945, Qian was in the Pentagon with a high-grade security clearance and writing reports on the latest classified technology nationwide and its implications for future military development.1945年初,钱学森获得高级别的机密工作许可证,进入五角大楼工作,并就全美国最新的绝密技术的发展状况及其未来在军事上的潜在可能性撰写报告。[p=25, null, left]
As a member of the U.S. technical mission that scoured Germany for secrets at the end of the war, he interrogated Wernher von Braun. No one then knew that the father of the future U.S. space program was being quizzed by the father of the future Chinese space program.
钱是战争末尾时负责搜寻德国科学机密的技术委员会的成员,他讯问了沃纳 冯 布劳恩(德国火箭研究小组负责人,运载火箭之父)。当时没有人知道,这是美国未来的空间技术之父遭到未来中国空间技术之父的讯问。[p=25, null, left]
Von Karman vouched for Qian to join the Scientific Advisory Board, set up to advise the head of the Air Force. “At the age of 36, he was an undisputed genius whose work was providing an enormous impetus to advances in high-speed aerodynamics and jet propulsion,” von Karman later wrote, explaining the move.冯卡门推荐钱学森加入了给美国空军领导人提供建议的科学顾问委员会。“36岁的时候,他就是一个无可争议的天才,他的工作极大地推进了高速空气动力学和喷气推进研究的进展,”后来卡门这样写道。In 1949, Qian described his idea for a spaceplane, a winged rocket that s credited as an inspiration for the late 1950s Dyna-Soar project, itself an ancestor of the space shuttle.[p=25, null, left]
Then his U.S. career suddenly unraveled. In 1950, as Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) raged against supposed widespread Communist infiltration of the U.S. government and with China now Communist, the authorities revoked Qian s security clearance.
1949年,钱学森描绘了他的太空飞机---一种带翼火箭的构想,这一想法被认为是五十年代末的Dyna-Soar 工程的灵感来源,而这项工程是现在的航天飞机的祖先。接着,钱学森的美国生涯突然中止了。1950年,当麦卡锡议员为假象中共产主义在美国的广泛渗透,为中国成为共产主义国家而恼怒的时候,美国当局吊销了钱学森的机密工作许可证。[p=25, null, left]
Iris Chang wrote that the Immigration and Naturalization Service had not a scrap of concrete evidence for its charge that Qian was a Communist.美国移民归化局对钱学森是共产主义者的指控,并没有丝毫的具体证据。
But the government did have some evidence, even if it was far from concrete. And the U.S. had clearly found itself in a sticky situation with Qian. When China was a U.S. ally, any feelings of patriotism he might have had could do little harm to the U.S. But now that China was hostile, was it reasonable to let him learn more U.S. secrets? Maybe. He was seeking U.S. citizenship at the time.但美国政府确实有一些证据,即使还远不是具体证据。美国清楚地发现它与钱学森处在了一个微妙的两难境地。当中国是美国盟友时,他有任何的爱国感情,都不会对美国造成伤害。但现在中国是敌人了,还让他与闻更多的美国机密,这合适吗?也许没问题。当时他正在全力申请美国国籍。[p=25, null, left]
Apparently insulted, Qian first responded to the loss of his security clearance by trying to return to China, but he was stopped by the government, which wanted to keep his knowledge of U.S. secrets inside the U.S. Then both sides changed their minds. The immigration service sought to deport him, regardless of the fears of other agencies, and Qian tried to stay, apparently determined to clear his name.吊销机密工作许可显然是个羞辱,钱学森对此的第一个反应就是要回到中国。但美国政府阻止了他,企图把他所知道的美国机密留在美国。后来钱学森和美国政府都改变了主意。移民局想要驱逐他,罔顾其他机构对钱回国的恐惧;而钱学森却力图留下来,显然是决心洗刷他的名声,讨回清白。[p=25, null, left]
Qian s attempt to stay almost certainly proves he wasn t, in fact, interested in working for China. By that time he could have best done so by going home with his expertise and U.S. secrets. Without a security clearance, it was unlikely he could achieve much for China by staying in the U.S.钱学森要留在美国的企图几乎可以确证,他事实上没有兴趣为中国工作。当时他完全可以带着他的专长和美国机密回国,把这些利用到最好的程度。而没有了机密工作许可证,他留在美国,就不可能为中国做多少事情。[p=25, null, left]
“It was the stupidest thing this country ever did,” said Undersecretary of the Navy Dan Kimball, who tried to keep Qian in the U.S. “He was no more a Communist than I was, and we forced him to go.”“这是这个国家做过的最蠢的事,”海军副司令金贝尔说,他企图把钱留下。“他压根不是什么共产主义者,就像我不是一样,而我们却把他赶走。”[p=25, null, left]
The immigration service won its case against Qian, but the government still hesitated to send him back. After years in limbo, the scientist himself decided again to go home and sought help to do so from the Chinese government, which secured U.S. agreement as part of negotiations over Korean War prisoners.移民局赢了钱学森的案子,但美国政府还在犹豫要不要把钱赶走。几年的搁置后,钱学森自己再次决定回国,并从中国政府寻求帮助,中国政府就与美国商议,把钱回国的问题作为韩战战俘遣返谈判的一部分。[p=25, null, left]
China, of course, was delighted to have him back. It welcomed him as a hero when he was finally deported in 1955.当然,中国很高兴他回国,当他终于在1955年被驱逐的时候,把他当凯旋的英雄来欢迎。[p=25, null, left]
His reluctant return was hardly a patriotic act, but that was, and still is, overlooked in the official Chinese view of history. As recently as 2003, the Xinhua news agency, recounting his story, reported blandly: “In 1955, six years after the founding of New China, Qian Xuesen returned to the motherland.”钱学森三心两意的勉强回国,很难说是爱国行动,但是一直到今天,中国官方都忽视了这点。2003年,新华社重温他的故事,说:“1955年,新中国成立六年后,钱学森回到了祖国的怀抱。”[p=25, null, left]
Another fact that s ignored in China is that he gave bad scientific advice on agricultural yields that may have encouraged Chairman Mao Zedong s disastrous 1958-61 Great Leap Forward economic policy, which led to perhaps 20 million people dying of starvation.另一个被忽略的事实是,他对农业生产发表了很糟糕的科学建议,这也许促使毛在1958-61年的大跃进制定了灾难性的经济政策,导致两千多万人死于饥饿。[p=25, null, left]
It turned out that some of the U.S. fears of sending Qian back may have been exaggerated. First, the secrets that he knew were at least five years old by the time of his return, and that was an era of rapidly changing technology.
事实证明美国对钱回国的担忧也许是被夸大了。首先,钱学森知道的机密,到他回国的时候,已经是5年前的陈旧东西了,这是一个技术飞速发展的时代。[p=25, null, left]
Second, no single scientist or engineer can have more than a fraction of the knowledge needed to design space launchers or missiles. So he could only be a leader, not a one-man rocket builder. Indeed, his role turned out to be that of administrator of the Chinese space program. Moreover, Chang wrote that in many cases he told his questioning comrades that the technical answers they needed had already been published; they needed only to look up the right book, often an American one.
其次,任何一个科学家或工程师,所能掌握的,只可能是设计空间发射器或导弹所需知识的很小一部分。所以他只可能是一个领导者,而不是一人能独立完成的火箭制造者。事实上,他的角色就是中国空间项目的行政领导。不仅如此,在很多时候,钱学森都告诉他那些喜欢问问题的同志们,他们需要的技术上的答案就在已经出版的书刊里,他们只需看书就行了,而常常是美国出版的书刊。[p=25, null, left]
Finally, while he achieved great things for China as an administrator, those results again probably ended up serving U.S. interests, because China became an adversary of the Soviet Union within about five years of his return. Missiles built by the scientific-industrial complex he created were sent to the west of the country to bring Moscow in range.
最后,作为行政领导,钱学森为中国做出了杰出贡献,而这也许再次帮了美国的忙,因为他回国仅仅5年,中国就与苏联闹翻成为敌人。钱学森创建的科学工业体系制造的导弹布置到了西北部,把莫斯科置于射程之内。[p=25, null, left]
[p=25, null, left]钱学森回国真相 大吃一惊!
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